Coats & Jackets
marzo 26, 2015
Shirts: Traki / Coats: Jos. A. Bank / Glasses: Ray-ban / Pants: Zara / Shoes: Nike
En el post de hoy les traemos 2 looks super comodos aunque no parezca el clima indicado para usarlos, pero en realidad aunque se ve que hacia un sol fuerte habia bastante brisa el cual permitia sentirnos frescos con estos outfits.
In today's post we bring 2 looks super comfortable but does not seem suitable for use climate, but in reality though is that by sun had quite a strong breeze which allowed fresh feel with these outfits.

T-Shirt: Traki / Jackets: Zara / Pants: Traki / Boots: ARKnets
Great outfit ! :)
I LOVE the first one!