Shirt camouflage
junio 12, 2015
Shirt: G&C Stylist / Jacket: Zara / Pants: Zara / Shoes: Seven's
REGRESAMOS!! estuvimos un tiempo un poco perdidos del blog debido al trabajo y la universidad pero volvemos con nuevos outfits frescos y juvenniles. Hoy les traemos un look fresco, casual y lo mas importante muy comodo ideal para esas ocasiones en la cual no se necesita ir con un outfit muy elegante pero si uno el cual no pase desapercibido.
camuflage es uno de los estampado mas usados hoy en dia, ya que da ese
toque de rudesa o seriedad a esos outfits que lo necesitan y en esta
ocasion lo usamos debajo de una chaqueta color rosado para dar ese toque
de vida al outfit sin quitarle el protagonismo al estampado. Usar la camisa por fuera en un look casual da ese toque de relax aunque claro no se cumple en todos los casos pero en esta ocasion queda perfecto ya que buscamos un look casual que refleje comodidad y un poco de elegancia.
Los zapatos vaqueros corte alto son totalmente unisex y van muy bien a
la hora de los looks casuales lo mas recomendable es usarlos con un jean
ajustado aunque no hay que limitarse siempre es bueno probar diferentes
We back!! we were a little lost time due to work and blog college but return with new fresh and juvenniles outfits. Today we bring you a fresh, casual and most importantly very
comfortable look ideal for those occasions where you do not need to go
with a very stylish outfit but if one which does not go unnoticed.
The camouflage pattern is one of the most used today because it gives a touch of seriousness rudesa or those outfits that need it and this time we used it under a jacket pink to give a touch of life to the outfit without taking prominence to print. Wear one's shirt outside in a casual look it gives a touch of relaxing but of course not true in all cases but this time is perfect as we look to a casual look that reflects comfort and a bit of elegance. High cut shoes jeans are totally unisex and go very well when casual looks we recommend you use a tight jean but not be limited is always good to try different options.
The camouflage pattern is one of the most used today because it gives a touch of seriousness rudesa or those outfits that need it and this time we used it under a jacket pink to give a touch of life to the outfit without taking prominence to print. Wear one's shirt outside in a casual look it gives a touch of relaxing but of course not true in all cases but this time is perfect as we look to a casual look that reflects comfort and a bit of elegance. High cut shoes jeans are totally unisex and go very well when casual looks we recommend you use a tight jean but not be limited is always good to try different options.