diciembre 03, 2014
No se necesitan muchas piezas o mucho dinero para armar un guardarropas
rockabilly. El look no es mas que un aspecto al estilo Americano con un toque casual.
Si tus padres cuentan con un guarda ropa vintage estas hecho debido a que muchas de estas piezas son vintage, como por ejemplo el pantalon que uso en este outfit era de mi abuelo solo tuve que arreglar unos detalles y listo, la camiseta debajo de la chaqueta es un franela unicolor cuello en "V" el cual es facil de conseguir en muchas tiendas de ropa, y unos zapatos con un tono oscuro que resalte con el resto de las piezas. Lo mas importante en el look es usar una chaqueta que le de este toque de rebeldia y poder al look. ¡Les mando un abrazo gigante!
Many parts or much money to build a rockabilly wardrobes are required. The look is but one aspect American style with a casual touch.
If your parents have a vintage clothing stores this fact because many of these pieces are vintage, such as pants that I use in this outfit was my grandfather just had to fix some details and voila, the shirt under the jacket it is a plain flannel neck "V" which is easy to achieve in many shops, and shoes with a dark tone that highlights with the rest of the pieces. The most important thing in the look is to wear a jacket that this touch of rebellion and power to look. ¡I send you a giant hug!
If your parents have a vintage clothing stores this fact because many of these pieces are vintage, such as pants that I use in this outfit was my grandfather just had to fix some details and voila, the shirt under the jacket it is a plain flannel neck "V" which is easy to achieve in many shops, and shoes with a dark tone that highlights with the rest of the pieces. The most important thing in the look is to wear a jacket that this touch of rebellion and power to look. ¡I send you a giant hug!

Jacket: Zara / T-Shirts: G&C Stylist / Glasses: RayBan / Pants: Grandfather / Shoes: Seven's