#ShowRoom VIP Sisters
diciembre 07, 2014
Tuvimos el agrado de ser invitados al #ShowRoom de VIP Sisters en celebración a su 3 aniversario el cual fue en Punto Fijo - Falcón, fue una trade super relajada y agradable en compañia de excelentes personas, ademas de lo hermoso que organizaron y decoraron el lugar, todo estaba increíble estas chicas son un amor y sus diseños son fantásticos hubieron muchas piezas de las cuales nos enamoramos. Aquí les dejaremos algunas fotos de lo que fue el evento.
En la parte de abajo dejaremos las diferentes paginas de su tienda.
We were pleased to be invited to #ShowRoom of VIP Sisters celebrating their anniversary in March which was in Venezuelan, it was a trade-super relaxed and enjoyable in the company of great people, besides the beauty who organized and decorated the place, everything was amazing these girls are love and designs are fantastic there were many pieces of which fell in love. Here we leave some photos of what the event was.
In the bottom let the different pages of your store.
En la parte de abajo dejaremos las diferentes paginas de su tienda.
We were pleased to be invited to #ShowRoom of VIP Sisters celebrating their anniversary in March which was in Venezuelan, it was a trade-super relaxed and enjoyable in the company of great people, besides the beauty who organized and decorated the place, everything was amazing these girls are love and designs are fantastic there were many pieces of which fell in love. Here we leave some photos of what the event was.
In the bottom let the different pages of your store.